Adventures in Experience Design

by Julia DeKorte | 06 Aug 2022

Book Reviews

Adventures in Experience Design, an activity book created by Carolyn Chandler and Anna Van Slee is more than it humbly describes itself on the vibrant front cover. Packed with activities, games, case studies, and step by step explanations of everything that goes into the industry of User Experience Design, this guide helps readers recognize how user experience design is integrated into daily life and how to use it themselves.


The book is split up into five different chapters, with each chapter introducing a new stage in the design process. At the start of each new stage, authors Chandler and Van Slee provide focusing questions, explanations of key concepts, and a brief overview of what readers will accomplish through the activities. Each game, activity, concept, or case study is broken down into simple steps, making the world of user experience design accessible to people of all ages, including those who believe they were born without a creative gene.


Aptly titled, Adventures in Experience Design is just as fun as it is informative. With vibrant, colorful pages, unintimidating language, and engaging graphics, the book itself is fun to read. The activities, for the individual or a group, are fun to participate in and help the explanations provided come to life with real world experiences. No matter what field you are in, if you’re creating any type of experience, Adventures in Experience Design is the perfect book to read and engage with.

experience design activity book user experience user experience design

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