Film Review: Toy Story Toons

by Julia DeKorte | 13 Feb 2024


Toy Story Toons

Toy Story Toons is an animated short film series starring all the original characters from the Toy Story franchise. They came out just after Toy Story 3 came out, and if you’ve seen the movie, you know that all the toy friends ended up at Bonnie’s house. The three short films that make up Toy Story Toons lets fans in on what the toys have been up to since becoming Bonnie’s toys. The series includes three short films: Hawaiian Vacation and Small Fry, which came out in 2011, and Partysaurus Rex, which came out in 2012.

Hawaiian Vacation

Hawaiian Vacation begins with all of the toys sharing what they plan on doing for Spring Break. While Bonnie and her family head to Hawaii, Woody and Slinky Dog have a wild game of checkers planned, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are spending a romantic week just the two of them, and Hamm, Buttercup, and Chuckles are ready for some poker.


That is, until Barbie and Ken appear! Thinking Bonnie would take her backpack with her on vacation, Barbie and Ken stowed away in her bag, only to be greeted by the toys at Bonnie’s house. Ken is devastated—he had been planning their Hawaiian vacation for months! Luckily, Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and the rest of the gang have a plan.


They transform Bonnie’s room into the tropical Hawaiian vacation of Barbie and Ken’s dreams: scuba diving, hula dancing, even surfing! They get their special romantic vacation, all thanks to the toys.


This was a super sweet film, and such a fun way to check in on how the toys are doing after the franchise ended (this was before Toy Story 4 was even in the works!). Directed by Gary Ryderstrom and produced by Galyn Susman and John Lasseter, this film was the definition of short and sweet.

Small Fry

Small Fry stars two different Buzz Lightyears: the Buzz we know and love and a small, 3-inch version of Buzz that comes with the fast-food meals. We’re introduced to small Buzz when he’s in the display case, where he shares his desire to be played with. Knowing that he’ll never be played with in the display case, he escapes, and while Bonnie is playing in the ball pit, he takes the real Buzz’s place, and stows away in Bonnie’s backpack, leaving the real Buzz behind at the fast-food restaurant.


When they get back to Bonnie’s room, small Buzz meets the rest of the toy gang, who immediately want to know what he did with the real Buzz. Meanwhile, the Buzz left at the fast-food restaurants meets a support group of small, discontinued toys that used to be given out with the fast-food meals. Together, they all cope with being left behind, while Buzz tries to plot his return to Bonnie’s room.


Back at Bonnie’s room, the gang is trying to come up with a plan to get the real Buzz back. Hopefully, with both the toys and the real Buzz working together, Buzz will find his way back home! Directed by Angus MacLane and produced by Kimberly Adams, this was an adorable mini movie that Toy Story fans are bound to love.

Partysaurus Rex

The final installment of Toy Story Toons is Partysaurus Rex, and rather than starring the whole gang, is mostly about—you guessed it—Rex. After Mr. Potato Head and some of the other toys nickname him “Party Pooper Rex” and leave him to be chosen for bath time with Bonnie, Rex wants to change his ways. He meets the bath time toys as they play sea monster, and learns that when bath time ends, so does all the fun for the bath toys, who can’t play without water. And since most rubber duckies don’t have arms, play time ends with bath time.


That is, until Partysaurus Rex, as he renames himself, turns on the water for them. Not wanting to be called a party pooper again, he goes against his gut, adding more soap and keeping the water flowing, and all the bath time toys love him! He’s a hit! But that water is getting dangerously high…


When he’s reunited with the gang, he tries to convince him of his bath time alter-ego, Partysaurus Rex, but some of them are having a hard time believing him. Directed by Mark Walsh and produced by Kimberly Adams, this was a hilarious final film to round out the Toy Story Toons series.

Toy Stories woody buzz buzz lightyear mr. potato head rex

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