Toy Stories Chapter 3: Hot Wheels Adventures

by Paul Fish | 05 Apr 2021

Industry Commentary, Op-Ed

I am posting some anecdotes about a number of my favorite toys I've worked on in my career.

Toy Stories Chapter 3: Hot Wheels Adventures!

Vehicle & Micro Playset, in one! This was a fun line, because I wrote the comic stories on the package back, and included the likeness of my own dog as “Pablo, the Wonderdog.” The hero, Tim Taylor, was named after our fearless leaders, Tim Kilpin & Mark Taylor. Errol McCarthy created the art and added clever lines, and I loved the way it turned out. Gary Swisher always told me that I wrote better stories when I was in a serious time crunch than when I had time to reflect. To quote Pablo, “arf!” Lesson learned in the Advertising: Be careful with the use of humor. We used Gary Owens of Laugh-In fame as the voice-over, and we thought it was hilarious. However, kids in testing though it was stupid, resulting in a rare “dissuasive” score! Hey, that’s why we test!

ToyStories HotWheels

Tait & Lily, Inventors of Betcha Can't!